Cross-sectorial partnership (integration of Public Transport and shared services)

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Cross-sectorial partnership (integration of Public Transport and shared services)

Factors to be considered include:

  • Identify the most promising and key locations suited for the stations.
  • Analyse local market trends.
  • Perform competitors’ analysis.
  • Aim to have a range of members who will make use of the car at different times of the day,
  • Build solid partnerships with local public transport actors.

Additional actions regarding the target users of the service include: (1). targeting local residents in the areas where car stations are to be located, and (2). designing approaches for attracting local businesses.

Depending on whether Car Sharing already exists in a city, region or country, it may be very difficult to ascertain the nature of the market, to provide a total market valuation, to identify market trends and to provide profiles of competitors.

Key actions which should be taken into account include the searching for areas that have a high combination of factors, such as:

  • Higher population and jobs density.
  • Limited access to a privately-owned motor car.
  • Higher use of non-car modes to undertake regular journeys ( work, school or college, etc.)
  • Households with a lower proportion of very young or elderly residents.
  • Residents who are more likely to face on- and off-street parking difficulties.
  • Higher than average income and social class.
  • Higher employment rates.
  • Higher affluence, lower deprivation scores.
Cross-sectoral partnership between car-sharing company Cambio, STIB (Public Transport Operator in Brussels metropolitan area) and Brussels-Capitale Region.

Cambio car sharing is a flexible alternative option of transportation that provides its members with access to a fleet of vehicles for a short period of time. Members can book a car online, walk to the nearest station, open the doors using their electronic key card and drive to their destination. Customers are billed the total amount at the end of the month based on the time and miles covered. The car stations are visible on the maps of the respective Public Transport Operator allowing commuters to choose other alternative ways of transport. Moreover, the location of these car stations is carefully selected close to Public Transport services and in areas where parking is limited. Cambio’s vision was to change mobility patterns and enhance benefits for urban areas. People could opt for Public Transport for their shorter distances and reserve a car for needs that Public Transport could not cover. The concept was launched in Wallonia in 2002 and then spread to Brussels the next year. The key success factor lies in the fact that the car-sharing network has been rolled out in close collaboration between Public Transport Authorities of these regions. STIB (Brussels), De Lijn (Public Transport Operator in Flanders) and TEC (Public Transport Operator in Wallonia) are shareholders in the car-sharing scheme, create shared communication plans, offer their expertise and know-how in commercial marketing and advertising and in general work closely with the regional instances of Cambio. This makes that Cambio is a good example of Cross-sectoral Partnership.

  • Finance and business models
  • Integration with other services
  • Service models, organization and management

Implementation case
  • Large urban area
  • Metropolitan areas

Integrated network
  • Attracting more customers
  • Goal-oriented/efficient organization

  • Adaptiveness to evolving markets and customer needs
  • Better experience
  • Improve accessibility
  • Improving customer orientation

  • Flexible economy
  • Shared economy
  • Sustainable lifestyle
  • Transforming household
  • Urban sprawl

Car-sharing projects seek to establish and increase car-sharing as part of a new mobility culture. Therefore, the key supporting actions linked with this measure should be mainly based on changing the cultural attitudes of potential users towards this measure. It could involve a marketing communication strategy with actions such as:

  • Leafleting of car station locations and surrounding areas.
  • Online viral marketing.
  • Online advertising.
  • Radio, Video, Social Media, Videos, Exhibitions.
Low (<4 months)
Medium (KEuro)
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