The Bus Lane with Intermittent Priority (BLIMP) concept is an innovative transit lane with preferential treatment based on the concept of dynamic lane assignment. BLIMP is essentially a lane that turns into an exclusive lane for transit when a bus passes by a sensor located in front of the road section. Other road users are informed of this by marking on the road and dynamic signs. Per road section the BLIMP can be activated, allowing other road users to use the entire road capacity when possible and only getting them out of the lane when a bus enters a road section. Thereby, the bus/tram is allowed to pass the other traffic. The BLIMP has the advantage of more road capacity when compared to the exclusive transit lane, while still making transit travel times shorter and more reliable. In cities, where space is limited the system maximises the use of road capacity. The concept has been implemented in two locations, each with different objectives and parameters.