Citizen’s Initiative for supporting specific community projects

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Citizen’s Initiative for supporting specific community projects

Terstriep J., Kleverbeck M., Deserti A., Rizzo F., Komatsu T., Pelka B. (2015), IMPACT Project D3.2 Comparative Report on Social Innovation across Europe

Dremel A. L., (2013), Rural depopulation and public service provision in Germany: How is public service provision in depopulated, rural regions in Germany organized and what can be learned from good practices in this field?, University of Twente European Studies School of Management and Governance Bachelor Thesis

Terstriep J., Kleverbeck M., Deserti A., Rizzo F., Komatsu T., Pelka B. (2015), IMPACT Project D3.2 Comparative Report on Social Innovation across Europe

Dremel A. L., (2013), Rural depopulation and public service provision in Germany: How is public service provision in depopulated, rural regions in Germany organized and what can be learned from good practices in this field?, University of Twente European Studies School of Management and Governance Bachelor Thesis

A workplan is required for the definition of the milestone of the project or initiative involved. The final results to achieve must be detailed. A procedure is required allowing the citizens to monitor the progress of the results on the basis of the planned results. Accountability and financial control procedures must be established.

Exploring new viable financial schemes (i.e.: the creation of a dedicated financial company emitting shares for participating people) as a transferable solution from other "social" services to finance specific initiatives in Public Transport.

This innovative concept has been taken from the experience of DORV Zentrum: a German social initiative aiming to open multistores in disadvantaged areas where business operators unlike to enlarge their network due to the lack of economic profitability. The multistores manage the provision of basic local services, including also public services as medical and social services. The financial viability of the DORV Zentrum initiatives has been achieved emitting shares that citizens bought. In order to manage these assets a financial company has been established in combination with the company for operating the multifunctional shop. Profit generated by the store activities are reinvested in the initiative.

This approach can be followed to shape innovative financing schemes viable for Public Transport.

  • Finance and business models
  • Societal involvement, new entrepreneurship

Implementation case
Attracting more customers
Performance orientation
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Individual empowerment

The implementation of this concept requires a reshaping of the financing terms of Public Transport services and it impacts on the regulative framework. The regulation is different from country to country spanning from deregulated approach to regulated one: the contractual terms under which the Public Transport services are operated can be also different involving various kind of financial schemes between contracting Authorities and contracted Operators.

Medium (4 to 8 months)
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