Use of new social media for re-design end-users services

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Use of new social media for re-design end-users services

Bregman, S. (2012). Uses of social media in public transportation (No. 99). Transportation Research Board.  (Dutch)

Kleine, R. and Koster, H. (2017). Interview about the use of social media

For successful use of social media, social media policies can be developed. Common elements of these policies are:

  • Employee access (who can access what?)
  • Account management (mostly someone like the chief information officer or the communications officer)
  • Acceptable use (defining the line between personal, professional and official agency use)
  • Employee conduct (how should employees behave on social media, existing policies can provide enough clarity about this)
  • Content (control over online content, what is being post?)
  • Internet security guidelines
  • Legal issues
  • User conduct (rules of conduct for readers and commenters, including restrictions on offensive language)

At first, there should be decided for what purposes a PTA or PTO want to use social media (monitoring/customer care). If social media is used to communicate, a strategy about content is necessary.

The support of management is very important as the use social media also suggests transparent communication. This might scare management as communication about PTOs tent to be negative.

Although setting up social media sites is generally free, they do require ongoing maintenance and monitoring. This requires staff (and therefore investments).

Social media can be used by PTAs and PTOs to communicate with passengers, market their services and collect useful information. Leading social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Social media can be used by PTAs and PTOs to communicate with passengers, market their services and collect useful information. Possible channels are: Twitter, Facebook, Forums, WhatsApp, Youtube, Snapchat, Linkedin

They can be used for monitoring (specific topic by alerts + general reputation), helpdesk, marketing and branding, sales.

  • ITS
  • Marketing and promotion, customer care
  • Service models, organization and management

General concept
Increase customer satisfaction
  • Adaptiveness to evolving markets and customer needs
  • Better experience
  • Improve accessibility
  • Improving customer orientation
  • Increase promotion

  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Individual empowerment
  • Innovative technologies
  • Social innovation

There are no supporting actions required but cybersecurity is an issue. Governments may be able to address this by creating guidelines (what personal information should and should not be shared on social media).

Low (<1 KEuro)
High (over 50KEuro/year for an implementation)
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